Deploying Next.js Applications

Deploying Next.js Applications

After developing and testing your Next.js application, the next step is deploying it to a production environment. In this tutorial, we’ll explore various deployment options for Next.js, including popular hosting services.

1. Vercel Deployment

Vercel is a popular platform for hosting Next.js applications, providing an easy and streamlined deployment process.

Step 1: Install the Vercel CLI

Install the Vercel CLI globally:

npm install -g vercel

Step 2: Deploy Your Next.js App

Navigate to your Next.js project’s root directory and run:


Follow the prompts to link your Vercel account and configure your deployment settings.

Step 3: Configure Environment Variables

If your application relies on environment variables, configure them in the Vercel dashboard under “Settings” > “Environment Variables.”

Your Next.js app is now deployed to Vercel!

2. Netlify Deployment

Netlify is another excellent platform for deploying Next.js applications.

Step 1: Install the Netlify CLI

Install the Netlify CLI globally:

npm install -g netlify-cli

Step 2: Deploy Your Next.js App

Navigate to your Next.js project’s root directory and run:

netlify init

Follow the prompts to create a new site on Netlify.

Step 3: Configure Environment Variables

If needed, set environment variables in the Netlify dashboard under “Settings” > “Build & Deploy” > “Environment.”

Your Next.js app is now live on Netlify!

3. AWS Amplify Deployment

AWS Amplify provides a comprehensive set of tools for deploying and managing modern web applications.

Step 1: Install the Amplify CLI

Install the Amplify CLI globally:

npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli

Step 2: Deploy Your Next.js App

Run the following commands:

amplify init
amplify add hosting
amplify publish

Follow the prompts to configure your deployment settings.

Step 3: Configure Environment Variables

Set environment variables in the AWS Amplify Console under “App Settings” > “Build settings” > “Environment Variables.”

Your Next.js app is now deployed using AWS Amplify!


Deploying your Next.js application is a crucial step in making it accessible to users worldwide. Whether you choose Vercel, Netlify, AWS Amplify, or another hosting service, these platforms provide straightforward deployment processes, allowing you to focus on building great web applications.

In the upcoming tutorials, we’ll explore advanced topics such as serverless functions, real-time features, and continuous integration for Next.js applications.

Stay tuned for the next tutorial where we’ll delve into adding serverless functions to your Next.js app.

Happy coding and deploying!

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