Adding Serverless Functions to Your Next.js App

Adding Serverless Functions to Your Next.js App

Serverless functions provide a convenient way to run backend logic without managing traditional servers. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to add serverless functions to your Next.js application using the built-in API routes.

Creating a Serverless Function

Next.js allows you to create serverless functions by utilizing the pages/api directory. Let’s create a simple example:

Step 1: Create a New API Route

Inside the pages/api directory, create a new file named hello.js:

// pages/api/hello.js

export default (req, res) => {
  res.status(200).json({ message: 'Hello from the serverless function!' });

Step 2: Accessing the Serverless Function

You can now access this serverless function by making a request to /api/hello in your Next.js app.

Passing Data to Serverless Functions

You can also pass data to serverless functions through query parameters or request bodies. Let’s modify our example to accept a name parameter:

Step 1: Update the API Route

// pages/api/greet/[name].js

export default (req, res) => {
  const { name } = req.query;
  res.status(200).json({ greeting: `Hello, ${name}!` });

Step 2: Accessing the Updated Serverless Function

Now, you can access this serverless function by making a request to /api/greet/John to get a personalized greeting.


Integrating serverless functions into your Next.js application allows you to handle backend logic without the need for a separate server. Whether you’re fetching data, handling forms, or performing other backend tasks, serverless functions in Next.js provide a streamlined solution.

In the upcoming tutorials, we’ll explore more advanced topics, including real-time features, authentication with third-party providers, and continuous integration for Next.js applications.

Stay tuned for the next tutorial where we’ll dive into adding real-time functionality to your Next.js app using WebSocket.

Happy coding!

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