

NextJS App for AI Interior Design.

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Redefining Spaces: AI-Driven Interior Design with Next.js

In the ever-evolving world of interior design, our AI-driven Next.js application takes a leap forward, offering users a transformative experience. This cutting-edge project hosted on Vercel seamlessly integrates Next.js 13, App Router, Replicate AI, and Tailwind CSS to redefine how we envision and design living spaces.

How It Works

Our AI Interior Design app introduces a novel approach to designing rooms. Users start by uploading an image of their existing space, providing a canvas for our application. The magic begins as Replicate AI takes the reins, analyzing the image and generating a new design based on the user’s preferences.

Key Features:

  1. Image Upload: Users can effortlessly upload images of their rooms, setting the stage for the AI-powered transformation.

  2. Style Selection: Choose from a curated selection of design styles, from modern minimalism to cozy rustic vibes.

  3. Personalized Recommendations: Replicate AI analyzes the uploaded image, understanding the user’s taste, and recommends design elements that align with their preferences.

  4. Instant Visualization: Witness the transformation in real-time as the application generates a new image reflecting the selected style and recommended changes.

Tech Stack Overview

Next.js 13

Our choice of Next.js 13 ensures a responsive and dynamic user interface, providing a solid foundation for seamless interactions within the application.

App Router

Navigation is simplified with App Router, allowing users to effortlessly move between different stages of the design process.

Replicate AI

The heart and soul of our application, Replicate AI, brings artificial intelligence into the design process, elevating the user experience to new heights.

Tailwind for UI

Tailwind CSS shapes the aesthetics, ensuring a visually pleasing and modern interface that complements the innovative nature of our AI Interior Design app.

Elevating Design Creativity

Our goal is to empower users to explore and experiment with design in ways they never thought possible. Whether envisioning a complete makeover or seeking subtle enhancements, our AI Interior Design app sparks creativity and provides a tangible visualization of design possibilities.

Hosting on Vercel

The seamless deployment on Vercel ensures that users experience the full potential of our AI Interior Design app without any hassle. Updates are deployed effortlessly, and the platform’s scalability guarantees a reliable and performant user experience.


As we redefine the landscape of interior design, our AI-driven Next.js application stands at the forefront of innovation. From image upload to personalized design recommendations, the journey of transforming spaces is now just a click away. Join us in reshaping the way we envision and create living areas with the power of AI and Next.js.

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